Soil & Water Conservation

Johnson County Soil & Water Conservation




USDA Natural Resources Conservation


We perform a range of conservation activities aimed at keeping the soil productive and our waterways clean and healthy. We work with landowners to enhance farming operations, prevent soil erosion, safeguard streams, foster wildlife habitat, manage forest resources and address natural resource impacts from urban growth. A casual glance within our community will attest to the work being performed by our conservation district. We are entering into an exciting time for the Johnson County Conservation District. The future holds many challenges which must be met and overcome. It also holds as many or more opportunities, if we have the foresight or willingness to find them. Together, we can build a better quality of life for all residents of Johnson County.


Our conservation district functions independently under a local seven-member Board of Supervisors. This ensures that local natural resources issues are addressed. Although conservation districts typically occupy the same boundaries as counties, we are not part of county government. Our staff and operating budgets are funded through a combination of federal, state and local assistance.

To carry out our mission, we work with a number of local, state and federal agencies including county government offices, The Madison County Cooperative Extension Service, The Kentucky Division of Conservation, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency.

Become a Partner

Your conservation district is hard at work protecting natural resources and the quality of life for you and your community. We can do an even better job with your help. If you are a farmer, become a cooperator with your local conservation district. Remember, we are not a regulatory agency. Districts work voluntarily with farmers to enhance farming operations and protect natural resources. We specialize in helping farmers secure financial assistance to install agricultural best management practices that control soil erosion, manage nutrients, and protect water quality.


The disastrous dust bowls of the 1930s, coupled with the depression, caused alarming public concern and promoted the need for a national soils conservation program. As a result of the first national soil erosion survey conducted by Hugh Hammond Bennet, Director of the Soil Erosion Service under President Roosevelt, the Soil Conservation Service (now the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)) was formed in 1935 under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The NRCS was established to provide technical and financial assistance to landowners for application of conservation practices. To provide local coordination for conservation efforts, President Roosevelt developed a model Conservation District Law for consideration by State Governments. In 1939, federal legislation was passed enabling conservation districts to participate and intervene with government agencies under the premise that no Federal government agency should act in the area of private lands conservation without local citizen oversight. By February 1947, 114 districts from 32 states had conservation associations.